King the Land, which premiered on June 17, 2023 on JTBC, is an ongoing South Korean television series. It stars two Korean pop idols, Lee Jun-ho of the boy band, 2PM, and Im Yoon-ah of Girls Generation.
It is one of the most anticipated K-Drama this year and enjoyed a high viewer's rating during its opening.Â
Indian actor, Anupam Tripathi, plays Prince Samir in King The Land |
However, when it dropped episode 7, the show earned a massive backlash from the Arab community for allegedly distorting the Arab culture.
In the episode, Samir appears to be a friend of Lee Jun-ho's character and was invited to his hotel to enjoy the night. Samir was portrayed as a womanizer and an alcoholic.Â
He was seen hanging out in a luxurious club surrounded by women and was labeled a "playboy" who made girls fall in love with him.
Following the backlash, JBTC Drama shared a statement responding to the controversy.
"The characters, regions, and place names appearing in the drama are all fictitious settings, and [Samir] was not portrayed as a prince of a specific country."
King The Land previously achieved its highest rating yet in South Korea, scoring an average nationwide rating of 12.3%.Â
Lee Jun-ho and Im Yoon-ah of King The Land. Photo credit: Netflix Korea |
Lee Jun-ho and Im Yoon-ah of King The Land. Photo credit: Netflix Korea |
The series is scheduled to air every Saturday and Sunday at 10:30 p.m. (KST) on JTBC and streaming platforms TVING in South Korea and Netflix. It will run for 16 episodes, with the last episode airing on August 6, 2023.
Updated: July 13, 2023
JTBC, the original network of King The Land published an apology regarding the controversial scene.